Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Storyboard: Initial Ideas


As I have decided to go with the "Exploration" approach, I want to work
both under water, and above water. Perhaps looking at how the two different areas compare
in terms of lighting qualities, shadows, and form.

I could begin the movie on the bottom of the ocean, exploring the shadows, 
and interesting lighting that the water casts on the model. Keeping
very low to the ground, I would then like explore the base of the model.

ANIMATION: In terms of animation, I would like to use lights, and animate them. Having different
forms of lighting moving around the ground. I want to do this as it would change the types
of shadows and lighting that I would get. 

I could perhaps begin the movie in blackness, and have just a single light, or glowing object float past the screen. I could then follow this light, where my model would then be revealed. 


As my model lends itself to the idea of travelling through a tunnel, I want to travel upward
through the center of my model, with a view similar to the above. 

ANIMATION: As I am travelling up through the model, I would perhaps like to animate the entire
model itself, perhaps emerging from the water, as I do. moving upward as I do. If done correctly, this could look really amazing as I exit the water's surface.  


I would then exit the water's surface and continue upward through my model out of the water.
I would continue this until I reach the top of my model.

ANIMATION: Once exited the water, I would like to have some separate "wall objects" that would be positioned between the sun and my main model. The purpose of these "wall  objects" would be to 
manipulate the types of shadows, and shaped of shadows that would be cast on to my model. I would like to animate these, and as they move, the shadows would change and evolve in a very interesting way.


Next, I would like to explore the top of my model, looking at the shadows, shapes and 
lighting on this area of the model. This would be similar to the beginning, where the same was done but on the oceans ground. 

ANIMATION: At this point, I would quite like to continue animating the "wall objects" and continue to play with the types of shadows that this can create. In the type of view that I have above. I would also like to try and animate the wooden plank parts of my model. Perhaps trying to have them break up. shatter, move, or something similar. 


  • Have my model sinking back in to the water. 
  • Could have the day turn to night and end in complete darkness
  • Have a single glowing object take me back down in to the water, and then have the glowing object leave further and further in to the distance. 

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